If half of what is documented in Robert F. Kennedy’s book The Real Anthony Fauci is true both Fauci and Bill Gates deserve a long stay in hell. Kennedy’s history and reputation as a defender of the environment and children’s health places him in a position to reach many of his fellow democrats that would never listen to anyone else. It is likely however that many will try to throw him under the bus like so many doctors who have tried to expose the dirty deeds of big pharma in the past. This over 400 page book documents the Pharma-Fauci-Gates alliance in such detail that someone has to notice. Anyone who has watched Fauci lie and flip-flop on his Covid statements over the past year and a half must certainly be eager to see the reasons written down in black and white. With an annual salary of $417,608 Fauci is the highest paid federal employee and you might think that would be enough, but that is only the tip of the iceberg. The media has continued to tell us to “trust the experts” while the experts in fact have a vested interest in how they feed information to the public.
Numerous doctors are cited in this book who have clearly debunked much of the Fauci spin on COVID and show how drugs that have been used for over sixty years such as hydrocloroquine (HCQ) and FDA approved ivermectin which has been around for over five years are not only safe and effective but are being discredited in order to promote the Fauci-Pharma agenda. The powerful vaccine cartel led by Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates have worked tirelessly to debunk medications that have been tried and proven for use against a variety of viruses and diseases simply because they don’t want cheap competition while they are trying to sell the world on their latest fix the expensive remdesivir, or the latest vaccine. Suddenly HDQ came up against new import regulations and some African countries have destroyed tons of medication to avoid prosecution. Ivermectin is a problem for Fauci because it appears to have the same results on future variants, unlike vaccines. It also appears to work well as a prophylaxis. Selling an upgraded vaccine of course keeps the money rolling in and that is what keeps Big Pharma, “Big”. While other countries have continued to use IVM Dr. Fauci has worked to eliminate its use in the US.
Then, we find that Google has a dog in the fight. They own several vaccine companies therefore they are quick to scrub any online news or articles that shed a negative light on their products and use Dr. Fauci as a poster boy of truth. With Fauci and Gates at the helm of the World Health Organization they steer the ship in any direction that the political climate permits. This book will bring most people’s blood to a boil, and if you are like me you will wear out a few high-liter pens. Kennedy pounds home with redundancy the evidence from front line doctors how deceptive the use of pandemic fears have been used by Fauci for the sake of profiteering. Fauci has been elevated to god-like status as Dr. Science who no one is allowed to question without the liberal media defaming your name and reputation. And Fauci has been playing this game since the early days of HIV when he learned how to scare the public in order to raise funds for his pet projects.
As in the African AIDS pandemic where suddenly a long list of diseases endemic of Africa fell under the umbrella of AIDs a similar pattern occurred in the future COVID scare. Nearly every death was attributed to COVID and questioning any other option was considered heresy. In Africa where malaria, pneumonia, malnutrition, tuberculosis and parasites are old news, AIDS was a money maker for the opportunistic pharmaceutical giants.